Looking at an ambulance through window procreate sketch

Feelings are Weather Patterns

I triggered yesterday (a phrase I never would have understood 10 years ago).

I saw an ambulance at a house and they were wheeling someone into it on a bed—a worried relative following. Vivid memories and raw emotions—like a speeded-up slideshow—filled my head and I broke.

My only answer at times like this is to curl up in bed, tears sliding down my cheeks until the pictures slow and the thoughts fade. Slowly the thoughts drift to the usual random daily stuff and my body and mind settle again.

I share this as a reminder to myself—and anyone this may help—that our thoughts and emotions are in flux (like the weather). What you feel now is different to five minutes ago, and sometimes, you have to accept the emotions until they exhaust themselves. It worked for me this time. Another time, I may need a different approach.

Take care and be kind to yourself.

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