It’s amazing how quick my January enthusiasm has faded since getting Covid.

The picture says it all really—I’m just feeling so flat and emotional at the moment. I know it will pass and I need to be patient but, with so little energy and Covid brain fog hampering my focus, it’s hard to pull myself out of it.
As always, making the first step is the hardest and I have found that, once I start painting, I get in the zone for a short period of time. These little Procreate doodles on my iPad are helping too. They feel like sketch therapy–acknowledging how I’m feeling and accepting it.
I know that I need to slow down and not try to ‘fix’ everything in one go. Recently, I read that to make strong, new habits, you should work on one habit for a few weeks before the next. If you try to create lots of new habits at the same time you are likely to hit overwhelm and fail. My art is important, as is getting to grips with my social anxiety, but fitness is my priority at the moment and that’s where my energy will go for a while—I want to be able to bend my knees without them sounding like twisting celery!
My enthusiasm will return, but I think it will be a slow burn rather than an adrenaline rush.
How are you now that 2025 has well and truly started? What do you do when you feel flat?
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