Category: Biographical
Feeling Flat after Covid
The picture says it all really—I’m just feeling so flat and emotional at the moment. I know it will pass and I need to be patient but, with so little energy and Covid brain fog hampering my focus, it’s hard to pull myself out of it.
Feelings are Weather Patterns
I triggered yesterday. Vivid memories and raw emotions filled my head and I broke. My only answer was to curl up in bed and ride it out.
Distracting Distractions
I found a piece of paper today. It had the title 5 Distractions and a list to remind me of things that help when feeling overwhelmed…
Appearance in Art Share Love Magazine
It’s great to have been chosen to appear as one of Art Share Love magazines 10 Best Artists and Makers Celebrating Spring.
So long 2021, Hello 2022
Here’s my gratitude list for 2021. I have decided to make it an annual post. Some great things have happened in 2021…
Developing Art Skills
Here’s my views on how to gain a fairly realistic, achievable outlook to life and goals as an artist and creative person…
Farewell 2020, Hello 2021
My original idea for this post was to create an art plan for 2021 but with Covid-19, soa gratitude list for 2020 instead…Really?
An Artists Origin Story – Part 2
More notes on art life, bringing you up-to-date on how I became an Artist living in Cheshire, UK. Exhibiting artwork during Covid-19, lockdowns, parenthood and painting.
An Artists Origin Story
A brief introduction to UK Artist, Gary Martin and how he decided to return to art as a career with a slightly surreal journey through creativity, dreams of aliens, talent, art college, life events and parenthood.